2/3rd of a year. growing bigger, smarter, cuter, more curious and aware, and more of a personality each day.
Things he's doing this past month:
Sucks on lips and tongue
Rocks back and forth while sitting
Makes noises when we feed him solids, like mmmmm.
Loves his toys--gave him the whole tub once and he was in heaven. It was like he didn't know how to get in playtime with each toy fast enough. It has become part of the morning routine now to play with the whole tub of toys.
Gets to keep his rubber ducky after bath time while getting dressed then returns it to the tub after. This was initiated by dad and is so cute!
6 teeth!
Doesn't like having clothes put over his head--unless he knows we are pulling the clothes off for bath time, then he sits patiently.
Is perfectly content sitting in the stroller or carseat until we start to take him out, then he starts fussing and can't get out fast enough. He needs more patience!!
Has become a little acrobat in the crib. We go in to check on him during naps/night and he is in completely different places then we left him. For the first time, this month, he rolled over onto his stomach and fell asleep while in the crib.
Will finally drink water/juice, but only from a bottle, not interested in a sippy cup.
tried avocado--not a fan. We think he doesn't like the slimy texture of avocado or bananas mashed up. If we mix it with rice cereal he is fine.
Sits like a champ!!
Can pick up puffs/cheerios and tries to put them in his mouth. Sometimes he gets it and is clearly so proud of himself. Most of the time though, he gets the piece in hit fist, but can't figure out how to open his fist and get the piece in his mouth--by the end of the month he is much better. He also eats chunks of cut up bananas.
Wearing size 3 diapers!
Loves looking at things upside down. He will lay out on our legs and throw his head back so it is upside down, very intentionally. I guess he enjoys the new perspective?
Not crawling, but getting close. He can turn 360 degrees while on his tummy like nobodies business, and scoots backward, just hasn't gotten the forward motion down.
Unfortunately, had a little set back in sleeping this month. He used to go down for naps with little to no crying, and night time was almost always no crying. Over the past week, he has started boycotting nap time and just cries when I lay him down. I think it's a combination of a bit of separation anxiety, ability to easily turn over in his crib, and a rapidly developing brain that he can't quite shut down. With an altered wind down nap time routine, we are back on track to happy, healthy sleeping habits. Thankfully, even when it took 2+ hours to get him to fall asleep at nights, he still slept until 7:30 am. It never affected his ability to sleep well, the problem was just getting to sleep.