Tuesday, July 30, 2013

11 months

What?! He's almost a year. This blows my mind. The other day we were talking about how soon he will be one, then eventually he won't be our little baby, but will be the older terrorizing/protective/mischievous (and all those other thing that come with the oldest) brother and cousin. It's so hard for me to picture him like that. I feel like he just always has been and always will be in whatever stage he currently is in. It's hard to picture him in any stage other than the perfect stage he is in now.

It's hard for me to remember when he was itty-bitty and slept 22 hours a day. I didn't want him to get older. 

It's hard for me to remember when he was a month old and just layed in my arms and nursed around the clock. But  when he was a month old, I didn't want him to get older.

It's hard to remember when he was 3 months old and would lay on his blankets on the living room floor kicking his chicken legs, laughing and cooing all day long. At bath time, his legs created near floods in our bathroom from all the kicking. And I didn't want him to change.

It's hard to remember when he was 6 months old, sitting up on his own, beginning the adventure of discovering solid foods and the textures of peas and bananas. His faces were classic. He laughed at our silly faces too. I didn't want him to change. I didn't want him to grow older.

It's hard to remember back to 9 months when I was wishing he would just finally crawl rather than just rock back and forth on his knees. Then he started crawling. It was adorable to see a whole new world to open up. I loved this age and didn't want it to change.

As he approaches 1, I'm not sure I want him to change. I love this stage he's in. Babbling, pulling up on everything, walking along chairs, crawling like a maniac, loving and laughing all day long. I'm not sure I want him to change. But then I remember I have never wanted him to chance, but then I always love the little boy he changes into. Ok, baby boy. You can change, but just don't grow up too quickly!

At 11 months, these are the things he is doing, and, as always, I'm sure they will quickly change.
  • He is finally babbling and it is the cutest thing ever.  He will just sit and talk to him self, or "converse" with us.  He says "ba-ba-ba" "ma-ma-ma" and "mom" the most. I wish I could say he knows my name, but I'm quite certain "mom" is just a noise to him, not my title. Soon.
  • He is crawling like a maniac and pulling up on everything. Coffee table, the stroller, my legs, the refrigerator...it doesn't matter if there is a top surface for him to hold, even a wall will do.

  • Not only is he pulling up, but he is walking along furniture.  When we were in St. Anthony, i think he mastered this as he crawled along the whole row of barstools (with my iPhone as motivation.)
  • He stands extremely confidently with only a few fingers touching a table, etc. for balance.  We have seen him a couple times stand on his own, but only for half a second. 
  • He has officially mastered the stairs.  At Derek and Jen's home last month, he climbed up a stair or two, but that was it.  A week ago when we were at the airport, he saw some stairs while Mitch was watching him.  I was on the phone and Mitch asked me if he could do this.  I responded, "apparently" as he was 5 steps up, no problem.  Once in St. Anthony at Grandmas, he was constantly climbing up the spiral stairs.  We would drag him back down on his belly to the bottom to help him learn how to go back down and he would just giggle, then start crawling back up.  At the sandbar, I would put him at the edge of the water and he would crawl straight for the stairs and up. over. and over. and over. Never figured out the going down part, but he was always cautious at the top and never tried to go down.  Rather, he would lay on the top with his belly on the ground and dangle him hands down and play with the pattern on the carpet of the top step.  
  • He has become quite the wiggler, which has made diaper changes quite a wrestling match.  It is not uncommon to see a 2-man team take on these diaper changes.  One to change the diaper, the other to hold his upper body down.
  • He loves all the new things around him--the light rail out our window, dogs as we pass by, strangers who will make eye contact with him, and recently has begun to love books.  He no longer eats the edges, but kind of flips through them. He still loves food, and is NOT happy if we are by him eating and he doesn't have food.  He will let out these high pitched screams until he is given food.  
  • He is still eating 3 meals a day (nursing 4), with the portions rapidly increasing.  He mainly eats pureed fruits/veggies, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, and baby food pureed meats. We are slowly increasing textures and giving him some of our food--salmon, lasagna, breads... He loves being able to eat things like banana slices, peas, cut grapes, black beans, cheese chunks, and cheerios with his fingers.
  • He is our little traveler, and by the end of the Idaho/Missouri wedding trip, he will have been on 10 flights.  He has done so well and adapts quite easily to his changing schedule.

  • He has discovered his tongue and loves sticking it out.  I will look over at him playing with toys and notice his tongue is just hanging out.  Its adorable.  His chin is paying the price though as it is a little red and broken out.
  • He plays hike and seek with us.  We will crawl away from him to behind the couch or kitchen island and he will come searching for us.  He also will try and quickly crawl away from us in play if we start chasing him on our knees.
  • He also had his first injury this month when he stuck his little hands between the oven drawer (which he loved to pull out and crawl through so I taped shut--sharp inside edged) and hot oven.  Apparently if you get your fingers back far enough the heat of the over escapes. He ended up with two decent sized blisters on his right hand.  We put them under the water quickly and he stopped crying.  He was totally fine after that and didn't let him burns slow him down at all.
We love our little guy and can't believe how fast he is growing up.  It breaks my heart, yet brings me so much joy.  He will always be my little baby!

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